Clearing Flashcards
can be effective solvents, but they areconsidered toxic chemicals, posing serious health risks. Government regulations have restricted most of the effective solvents in this class.
Chlorinated hydrocarbons
neither pure nor stable can break down to produce compounds which will interfere with staining procedures.
Orange oil based clearing agents
especially recommended for central nervous system tissues and cytological studies, particularly of smooth muscles and skin.
Cedarwood Oil
used when the tissue is to be cleared directly from water, as in a frozen section. No de-alcoholization is involved in this process.
Glycerin and Gum syrup
(1) Recommended for double embedding procedure
Methyl benzoate or Methyl Salicylate
(2) tissue must be wrapped in cotton gauze for them to settle to the bottom of the container
o The lower the boiling agent, the faster it is replaced by paraffin o Xylene has a low boiling point while chloroform has a higher boiling point (that’s why its not easily replaced by paraffin)
Boiling point of clearing agent
clearing agents in double embedding methods
Methyl benzoate or Methyl Salicylate
Remedy when Tissues placed in cedarwood floats before they gradually settle at the bottom
Putting absolute alcohol at the top of it
o Hard to eliminate from tissues in paraffin oven thus impregnation with parafiin would require additional time
Cedarwood Oil
o Clearing time: 2-3 days o Works well with celloidin and tissues are easy to cut o Minimal tissue hardening and shrinkage
Cedarwood Oil
o Properties and disadvantages are similar to chloroform o Can cause minimal tissue hardening o Cheaper than chloroform
Carbon Tetrachloride
Remedy when Tissues float in chloroform because it has a bigger density thus affecting the clearing process
Wrap tissue with cotton gauze to make it settle at the bottom of the container
• Does not make tissue transparent
• Does not cause tissue hardening thus ideal for skin, fibroid tissue, decalcified tissue)
• Clearing time: 6-24hrs • NOT FLAMMABLE
(6) Not affordable
(4) Not carcinogenic
to facilitate the penetration of the tissue by the embedding medium which is the wax
purpose of the clearing