Core Principles In Anatomy And Physiology Flashcards ionicons-v5-c

Overall theme of A&P

maintaining homeostasis

Four core principles

(1) feedback loops, (2) the relationship of structure and function, (3) gradients, and (4) cell-cell communication.


body's ability to develop and maintain a relatively stable internal environment within normal range; This maintenance of homeostasis in the face of changing conditions requires the body to expend an immense amount of energy.

homeostatic imbalances

disturbances in homeostasis can lead to disease or death if uncorrected

body's internal environment

wide range of coordinated processes or variables, including the temperature, the chemical composition of blood and other body fluids, and many more

regulated variables

most variables in the internal environment are controlled so they stay close to a particular normal value; to prevent homeostatic imbalances

High temperature in cells

don't want enzyme to be denatured and the function won't work

imbalance in homeostasis

homeostasis is distrusted and can't be readily corrected, result in disease

Misconception 1: Negative feedback is bad for the body; positive feedback is good.

"negative" should not be thought of a bad consequence. IT IS the Direction of output of the effector cells

feedback loops

a change in a regulated variable causes effects that feed back and in turn affect that same variable; As the loops continue, this output then influences the events of the loops themselves

negative feedback loops

change in a regulated variable in one direction results in actions that cause changes in the variable in the opposite direction

positive feedback

a change in a variable results in actions that amplify the change

Negative feedback examples

temperatureblood pressure blood glucose

positive feedback examples

blood clotting and child birth


the structure of any part of the body determines its function; this is true at all levels of organization

structure-function examples

hollow blood vessels transport blood thin lung tissues allows for rapid movement of gaseshollow, muscular urinary bladder stores the expel urine


is present any time more of something exists in one area than in another and the two areas are connected; gradients five many of our physiological process

gradients examples

temperature gradients- lose heat the farther away you get from itconcentration gradients- is present when the amount of substance changes over a range

cell to cell communication

cell communicate and work together in a coordinated fashion, allowing the maintenance of homeostasis

examples fo cell-cell communication

nerve cell communicating directly with other nerve cells and muscle cellsendocrine cells communicating with distant body cells via chemical messengers