Health Insurance: Risk Aversion And Adverse Selection Flashcards ionicons-v5-c

Risk Aversion

Maximum amount that we would pay over and above expected loss to avoid the consequences of that lossex. loss is $20,000, but willing to pay $10,000 to avoid possibility

loading fee aka risk premium

dollar amount above average loss; amount willingness and maximum amount to pay to insurance


what is owed

diminishing marginal utility

for every increase in dollar, there is a decrease in usefulness

Adverse Selection

disproportionate share of unhealthy people comprise risk pool; as premiums rise, healthy will decline with lower probabilities of getting sick

Information asymmetry

what consumers know compared to what insurers know will give consumers advantage when looking for health coverage

Factors that Influence Purchase of Health Coverage

-health status-need for future medical care-disposable income

affordable care act

reduce adverse selections concerns for the consumer by eliminating pre-exisiting conditions but adverse selection won't just go away

Employer-Sponsored Health Care

majority of people obtain health care through employers. Less expensive premiums b/c:-favorable selection-employed peopler are healthier

favorable selection

where healthy people select a health plan b/c they know there is a low likelihood of using it

Health Insurance Not Subjected to...

federal/state income tax or SS and medicare payroll taxes

indemnity plans

allow patient to direct own health care and visit almost any provider ; fee for service plans aka PPO or preferred provider network

Health Maintainance Organization Plans

Meet mostly with PCP; transfers to other specialty medicine require PCP's approval


basic financial measurement used to encourage health plans to provide value to enrollees; ratio of medical claims to premium revenues (80% of premium goes to coverage, 20% for profit); 85% ratio for large group plans

Failure to Meet MLR Standards

Medical loss ratios used to calculate refunds, which are based on the insurers' overall compliance with applicable MRL standards

gross premium

pure premium/(1-loading percentage)

Pauly and Percy 2000 Loading Fee

Loading Percentage about 10% in group coverage, but 50% for non-group coverage

Loading Percentage and Group Coverage

less than 100 workers = 34%100 - 10,000 workers = 15%greater than 10,000 workers = 4%

objective risk

relative variation in actual claims experience from the expected claims experience; risk increases with variance, decreases with size of expected loss, and decreases as risk pool increases


setting premiums based on -cause of claims-risk pool number-low vs high utilizers

rate making factors

(1) Community Rating - covered lives in same risk pool; per experience(2) Manual Rating - insured placed in risk pool based on common characteristics; individual(3) Experience Rating - claims experience of entire pool; group experience

Community Rating

premiums typically based on this method along with age/gender consideration and industry classification of group

Experience Rating

Credibility factor: weigh of pool vs group claims experienceRisk borne by insurer


amount patient pays before insurance starts to pay


fixed amount subscriber pays at the time of services

out of pocket

medical costs which the subscriber is responsible for